Hey all.
This past week has been pretty flat out. Monday was my first official day as a Freshman here at Lindenwood University. So this week I have been getting into the groove of being educated again and just generally finding my way around the campus. Last weekend myself, 'Diamond' Dave, Norris and Ozza made our way up to Indianapolis for some racing. Saturday night we raced at the Major Taylor Velodromes against some really strong competition mainly in the form of Marion College. Those guys ripped our legs off and definately showed us why they are the strongest Collegiate track team in the nation. I skipped the Keiren and pulled out early in the missing out race and managed to finish the scratch race which was an effort in it's self.
Sunday we lined up in the blistering heat for a crit at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. It was weird when we were entering, to my complete asthonishment, I saw, just some normal guy, carrying a rifle around then another guy. I was shitting my pants I thought there was going to be an old fashioned gun slinging show down or something but it turns out it was just the Indy Gun and Knife show phew only some redneck/hillbillies with a shit load of guns. Anyway back to the racing, Diamond Dave did a heap of solid work up front for most of the race to keep it all together for Ozza who was designated leader for the day. With 15 minutes and 3 laps to go Owen broke free and with that power derived from years as a butcher he stayed away from the chasing bunch to the finish and ended up with a time gap of a minute back to the bunch.
This weekend we have the "Gateway Cup" which is a four crit series in St.Louis, and will be the biggest races I have competed in yet and will be the icing on the cake in regards to the form before Nationals. I'm sitting out tonights 70min crit as it starts a 9.30pm and lit only by street lights so me and Ozza are going to eat fairy floss (they call it cotton candy here...?) and watch Norris try and not to become a paraplegic.
Oh some more news, a little off topic though. Me and my dorm mate Paddy have Vanilla Ice of 80's rap fame living next door to us. The set up here with our dorms is that we share the bathroom with the two guys next door to us with a locking door between the two rooms. Anyway this guy is a complete freak! We thought for some time he was some Eastern Block European as he was at the international check in and orientation day, turns out he's just deaf and thus speaks funny and is actually from Illinois. So far some of his oddities have been: trying to drain Hoover Dam every morning at 6.30am by the running taps at full steam, having a bath for an hour at 2am in the morning, smoking cigars whilst wandering aimlessly around the car park, bleaching his hair completely blonde and then asking "is it blonde enough?" and last but not least yesterday morning after waking up and going to answer the call of nature, I walk into the shared bathroom and Vanilla is in front of the mirror, completely nude, purifying himself in some sort of cleansing ritual. As he is deaf he didn't realise I had come in for a couple of seconds and only noticed me when I started laughing so hard that he must have picked up the vibrations with his bat like entani.
Anyway enough about Vanilla. Also if you thought the title of this blog was going to be in some way relevant to what I was going to write you're wrong, just thought it was a sick name for an entry.
Well I gotta go to Home Depot and buy a square mouth shovel to scrape up all the bike riders that are going to crash tonight.
Until next time, take care. Chev.
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