Well it's been a little while since the last post. Much has happened. Well last post I reported I crashed in a race, well turns out I cracked my frame so I have been rolling a shop bike until I get my new bike ordered.
Last weekend the Lindenwood team headed up to Notre Dame (pronounced "note-er day-m") in South Bend, Indiana. We had a great showing in the 70 mile road race with Owen "the butcher" Belton getting 2nd with Stroot and I bringing home the bunch to grab a couple of top twentys. Sunday's crit was a cool 1 mile loop with no corners thus was very fast. With the bunch together with one lap to go I had Paddy on my wheel delivering him to the front but half a lap to go I fucked up and also Paddy's chances on a decent finish. We live, we learn.
Some of Banksy's handywork?
Anyway, we are on spring break now so I took the chance to drive up to Chicago and check out what all the fuss is about. Safely back in St. Charles now, I can definitely say that it's an awesome place and is a really cool city. Heaps of cool shops and places to eat, wish I had a bigger bank balance. Oh yeah, check out the photo above, I ran across it walking back from checking out lake Michigan, I'm pretty sure it's by famous stencil artist Banksy. Can some one confirm this for me? It was also a good chance to put the bike in the closet for a couple of days and just relax.
Mandatory "Bean" photo...
Sorry about the lack of racing photos but I can't find any at the moment...
Anyway take care everyone,